Neck rehab exercises may play an important role in your Chiropractic BioPhysics corrective program.Practicing your corrective exercises helps to support your adjustments and spinal traction, encourages movement in the direction of a normal neck curve and builds muscle strength. Neck rehab exercise #1: Mirror image neck exercises This is the first video in our neck… Continue reading NECK REHAB EXERCISES

GOOD POSTURE GUIDE: Unlocking Better Posture.

Welcome to Our Good Posture Blog at Level Spine Chiropractic Newcastle! At Level Spine Chiropractic we stand to provide you with the best in Chiropractic care. In this blog, you’ll discover some of the essentials of maintaining optimal postural health and how it influences overall health. We’re excited to guide you through what good posture… Continue reading GOOD POSTURE GUIDE: Unlocking Better Posture.

Looking to improve your thoracic mobility?

If you living with worsening mid back stiffness and restricted movement, then stick around because this short blog may provide you with some effective tools to guide you towards better movement and health!Not only doesn’t poor thoracic mobility create mid back stiffness and poor movement, it may also be a reason why you are dealing… Continue reading Looking to improve your thoracic mobility?

Chiropractor near me

Chiropractor near me – What to expect on your first visit with our Newcastle Chiropractor. You have looked for a “Chiropractor near me” and making a booking for your first visit can be the most challenging step to take. You may be unsure about who to see to get the results you need.We want to… Continue reading Chiropractor near me

Core exercises for lower back pain

Practicing core exercises helps to create a strong, functional and pain free back…this probably doesn’t come as a surprise! What do you need for a healthy lower back? Our bodies are innately intelligent and are designed for optimal performance.In saying that, if we want our spine to continue performing optimally and to prevent problems developing,… Continue reading Core exercises for lower back pain


PULLED MUSCLE IN LOWER BACK? Lifting or bending injuries can often result in a “pulled” muscle in your lower back.A recent review highlight that lifting and bending are risk factors for developing lower back pain.As Chiropractors, a “pulled lower back muscle” and lower back pain is something we see all the time.Lower back pain is… Continue reading PULLED MUSCLE IN LOWER BACK?


Treating a scoliosis and the accompanying symptoms often requires combining a few difference, yet complementary approaches.Each person is difference and each curve is unique, so a personalised program of care provides a solution for better results!There are a few things that will shape a scoliosis treatment program, such as how big the curve is, how… Continue reading SCOLIOSIS TREATMENT

Scoliosis check for children.

If you, or someone you know has children, it’s really important to know how to check them for scoliosis (perform a scoliosis screening). Early detection is key!Why is this?This is because juveniles (3-10 years of age) and adolescences (10-18) are at a higher risk of developing scoliosis and for it to develop at a rapid… Continue reading Scoliosis check for children.


When the winter months roll in we often hear… “I’ve noticed my body feels more tight and stiff when it gets cold!” You may have noticed in the colder months your body doesn’t quite feel as sharp as it normally does… Maybe you have noticed more stiffness through your lower back, tightness in your neck,… Continue reading FELLING TIGHT AND STIFF?


June is scoliosis awareness month! At Level Spine Chiropractic we love helping people with with scoliosis. Chiropractic care can be a great means to help manage symptoms and in combination with specific Chiropractic adjustments, Corrective Chiropractic care can help to get a level of structural stabilisation and even improvement, meaning better long term results! So… Continue reading WHAT IS A SCOLIOSIS